Equip 2 Endure was founded in 2009 to give people interested in self-reliance and emergency preparation a place to learn about relevant products and gear, and then help people develop the skills to use them.

Adam was Equip 2 Endure’s founding partner. He quickly invited additional people in to expand the expert group providing information to the community. After years of effort and leadership building the E2E community, Adam stepped back to focus on his family and professional career. Though he is still involved with E2E, he looked for a new public face to represent the vision and values of Equip 2 Endure. After long consideration, Adam was confident in handing the reigns over to Rusty.

Rusty is well networked in military and police circles. He has had a lifelong passion for all things survival and self-reliance. He started helping Equip 2 Endure in front of and behind the camera in 2010. Professionally, he has deep experience in business strategy, marketing, and public speaking. All of these factors make Rusty a natural fit for Equip 2 Endure’s audience and subject matter.

Chris is the other primary partner at Equip 2 Endure. Chris has an impressive military resume, both as an enlisted soldier and in the intelligence community. He also has a successful business background — as an entrepreneur and in various firms he has worked in and consulted for.

Equip 2 Endure has additional team members behind the scenes who contribute greatly to the cause. We all share an interest in improving our own skillsets and product/gear knowledge as well as helping others do the same. This passion is summarized in our motto: IN OMNIA PARATUS (Latin for In all, be prepared)

None of us know the exact details of future events. But we all know it’s better to be prepared for anything. If you feel the same, you have a place in our community. Welcome to Equip 2 Endure.